Her latest, CHOPIN MEETS THE BEATLES was released in September, 2015, (Howland reimagines the songs as delicate, passionate instrumentals, bringing a somber energy to “In My Life”… rescuing “The Long and Winding Road” from Phil Spector’s overproduction on the Beatles’ hit version, stripping the tune down to its sweet understated essence – Winston-Salem Journal).
Pamela Howland has had a long love affair with Chopin, and become a specialist on his music and life. In 2009 she premiered her original one-woman show/concert REMEMBERING FREDERIC: A Musical Conversation between Chopin and George Sand at the Grać Chopina piano festival in Warsaw, at the invitation of Jarek Cholodecki. What began as one’s musician’s desire to create an unusual classical music/theatre performance in celebration of Chopin’s 200th birthday has led to many enthusiastically acclaimed performances (Pamela Howland weaves a special magic…I was spellbound and enchanted - Rosemary Harris, Award winning actress of stage, screen, and television).
Subsequently, she created her documentary film, REMEMBERING FREDERIC: The Genius of Chopin.Premiered at the RiverRun International Film Festival in 2012, it is the story of Howland’s search as a pianist to bring the world, music, and relationships of Frederic Chopin to life for modern audiences.(Howland is elegant in appearance, in her playing, and as a voice-over…fast-paced…succinct interviews, short musical clips…lovely…images of portraits, and of buildings and monuments in France and Poland – Music Media Monthly).